The information below explains what Living Heritage Nursery will do for you and what is expected from you, the parent, when you join our nursery.
*Please note that for the purpose of this agreement, we have used the term ‘the parent’, but this covers any person with legal responsibility for the child such as special guardianship etc.
Living Heritage Nursery Shall:
- Make available suitable premises and qualified staff at the nursery.
- Ensure that the nursery complies with all relevant legal requirements in respect of the provision of full day-care.
- Implement a holistic educational programme for children attending the nursery.
- Ensure that the nursery shall be open between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. Monday to Friday for 52 weeks of the year with the exceptions of bank holidays.
- It may also be necessary to close the nursery due to reasons outside the control of the nursery (e.g. extreme temperatures, adverse weather conditions, pandemic purpose, or on guidance from the Local Authority).
- Ensure that any data provided by you about you or your child, will be stored, retained and disposed of in line with our Privacy Policy.
- Aim to issue you with a monthly invoice in advance of when your fees are due.
- Always remain professional and show respect to all parents and visitors.
You The Parent Shall:
- Sign this agreement.
- Pay £xxx.xx deposit on offer of a space. Please note, your place is not confirmed until we received this payment.
- Pay the fees when they are due (1st of the month in advance), via bank transfer
- Answer all questions set out in our registration documents.
- Inform the nursery in writing of any food or medicine or activity to which the child is allergic and ensure this information is updated immediately if it changes.
- Adhere to the nursery’s policies and procedures at all times.
- Follow the nursery’s collection and exclusion periods for any sickness or illness.
- Show respect to staff and other parents and visitors. Negative or derogatory comments or actions towards staff or other parents are deemed unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly
- Ensure that you collect your child on time or make arrangements for someone else to collect if you are held up.
- Inform the nursery of any absences of your child in accordance with our Safeguarding policies.
Should any of the terms and conditions in this agreement be broken, then the Management Team and Board of Trustees have the right to review your child’s place
If You Change Your Mind:
To give us time to arrange any changes we need four week’s written notice in respect of leaving or decreasing your sessions.
To change days or increase, the nursery can accommodate this with immediate effect if we have the required sessions available.
On accepting a nursery place and paying your deposit, if you decide you do not want to take up the place, you also have to give four weeks’ notice.
Failure to give four weeks’ notice of leaving or not taking up your place will result in the loss of your deposit.
- Once you have accepted a place, we will not let it be used by anyone else and will make sure we have the correct staff and equipment. On that basis we have to make sure you understand the fees are payable even if:
- You or your child are sick on a day you use, and you are unable to attend.
- You are on holiday on a day you normally use and do not attend.
- A day you use is a public holiday
- A day you use falls on one of our Inset training days.
- During our Christmas closure
- We expect you to pay monthly in advance on the first of each month, unless an arrangement has been agreed in writing by us. Your first month’s fees are due on or before your first day of settling in period via bank transfer. No payment shall be deemed as ‘paid’ until it is cleared into Living Heritage Nurseries account. This agreement is between the parent and Living Heritage Nurseries. If you have any arrangements with external agencies on paying your fees, e.g. colleges/universities then you, the parent, are personally liable for any payments not received from these agencies. Any bank charges incurred by the nursery due to unpaid/returned bank transfers, will be charged to the parent.
Those parents who do not make their payment for nursery fees by 7th of the month will have the place suspended until full payment is made unless an arrangement has been agreed in writing by us.
Any overpayment made to Living Heritage Nurseries are non-refundable. They will remain as a credit on your account and you, the parent, will need to adjust future payments accordingly.
It is the responsibility of you, the parent, to cancel any standing orders you have set up to the nursery once you leave us. Any payments made after you have left, can take up to four weeks to be refunded.
Extra/Ad Hoc Days
We do not allow you to swap your days. Extra/Ad Hoc days (i.e. those outside the days you normally use) can be arranged privately at the nursery and will be charged at the daily or sessional rate. Any extra days will be invoiced separately to your regular monthly invoice and payment will be required within two days of receiving your invoice.
If you book an extra day, and no longer require it, you must inform The Management Team in writing no later than 5pm the day before or you will still be charged as staffing will have already been arranged.
Fee increase
The nursery reserves the right to review and increase the fees with three months’ notice to all parents.