Opening Hours: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Opening Days: Monday to Friday
Operational weeks: 51 weeks. Closed on Bank holidays and between Christmas and New Year.
Terms of Payment: Our Fees are calculated on an annual basis. All Fees must be paid in advance on the 1st of the month by standing order or direct debit (Unless otherwise agreed).
Registration and Bookings: A £100 registration fee at the point of registration to secure your booking.
Discounts: A 5% sibling discount may be applied to the older siblings attending a full-time place.
Sessions- Full day- 8am – 6pm OR Half Day- Morning Session 8am – 1pm, OR Afternoon Session, 1pm – 6pm
We are committed to delivering premium high-quality childcare and we keep our fees as low as possible with our charitable rate card.